Photography By Arlene Marie: Blog en-us (C) Photography By Arlene Marie (Photography By Arlene Marie) Sun, 17 Jan 2021 21:28:00 GMT Sun, 17 Jan 2021 21:28:00 GMT Photography By Arlene Marie: Blog 120 77 2020 ~ Year in Review ~ NJ Newborn, Child, Maternity & Family Photographer Well I am late with this one...I know shocker...

if you have followed along since the start you know I am awful at blogging.

I can post sneak peeks like a champ but to actually sit down and blog about each session seems to get away from me.

Like I always say..better late than never!

Maybe just maybe this will be the year I blog most of my sessions or maybe even 1/4 of them...only time will tell, LOL



Well, it has been a year, huh?

I started off February of 2020 flying along sessions starting and booked for the next months and then bam it all shut down.

I was so nervous that not only we were living in a pandemic but that my business that I worked so hard to create would be left in the dust.

I mean who would want to book sessions during all this uncertainty...and when all was said and done... 

you came back to me

and you booked your sessions

and you kept me busy again

and you kept my little business,

my passion, the job I love so much, alive....

and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

​​​​​​​Thank you for sticking with me when we are in a sea of

other wonderful photographers...

thank you for choosing me over and over to capture all the special moments of you lives.

I am truly grateful and blessed to  be 

doing what I love to do.

I will never take that for granted.


​​​​​​​With all that said please take a look back on most

(not all, some are social media shy and I may have missed a few in my haste to get this up) of last years amazing sessions.

Here is to a new year of fun and to capturing many more memories for you all!!





​​​​​​​Thanks for reminiscing with me xoxo



(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Children NJ NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography photographer Sun, 17 Jan 2021 21:27:32 GMT
The Adventures of the Guiles Kids ~ Week 8 ~ #StayAtHome  

Week 8



We started the week with a visit from The EMS doing a drive by celebration for

Wyatts birthday later in the week! 

Makenzies Dance teachers also did a drive by visit to say hello

to all their students ( so sweet of them and she was very excited).


I never thought when all this started that we would be still 

staying at home for Wyatts Birthday but here we are, lol.

He had a fantastic birthday and was so excited to see his friends and family

if only for a quick wave and hello from a safe distance.

He said it was the BEST day and well  all I could

ask was for him to have a great day!!


Happy # 8 Mr Man!!!



(Photography By Arlene Marie) Wed, 20 May 2020 21:14:26 GMT
The Adventures of the Guiles Kids ~Week 7~ #StayAtHome WEEK 7

It was filled with projects and Donut kits, blanket forts

and training the dog off leash in the yard...

all fun things to keep us busy..

I took less photos and thats okay

because some days you get it all done and some days you don't ...

We are so enjoying the  sunnier days that we have been 

having and continue to hope for less rain and cold!

The sun has sure made a difference when 

we are staying at home :)



(Photography By Arlene Marie) Children NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography photographer Wed, 20 May 2020 21:00:22 GMT
The Adventures of The Guiles Kids ~ Week 6 ~ #StayAtHome  


Week 6

 We started our week with virtual field trips

and donut making

( they did not turn out great so we will have to try again, lol)

Try, try, try again...and that means 

I get to eat more donuts ;)

The weeks are both dragging on and flying by...

Its hard to believe that all this time has passed since

 the kids have been in School,  March seems like so long ago...

that we haven't spent actual time with our family and friends... 

seems like its been an eternity...but here we are day by day plugging along.

Laughing and having meltdowns...because while we are having fun one moment, another one hits thats hard and not knowing whats next is rough and scary....

Explaining to your kids that you don't have the answers they want or need to hear..

just hugging them and telling them its ok because we are safe and healthy and together

but knowing they just want their normal life back...

​​​​​​​This too shall pass...its what I tell myself when things get rough...

I long for the day when we can look back at this

time and remember all the happy moments of being home together.

I am so ready to get back to even a little bit of our old normal...especially seeing family and friends.

SO far now we will continue to to count on those happy moments, the laughs and the snuggles 

Till next time 







The kids went Turkey hunting with Daddy and had to get camp painted up! They got up at 430 am!!!!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Photography NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography Wed, 06 May 2020 19:57:01 GMT
The Adventures of The Guiles Kids~ Week 5~ #Stayathome  

Week 5

Ok I know I am behind on posting, I knew this would happen, lol

Great at taking the photos not so great about the blog posting...

Its all about balance right??

This week started with Easter Sunday..

Much different than past Easters but like everyone else, we rolled with it.

The kids had a blast looking fro eggs, Their competitive nature with each other in full force..

However they did keep it mostly fair :)

IT was a nice quiet day and my Husband even encouraged the kids to get dressed up so I could

 take some n ice family photos...thats true love for a guy who does not like me taking his picture lol!







Photo shoot time 

Baseball time

We attempted to make cinnamon buns, it was not a big success but

we will attempt again lol

Going old school on the Wii

Just a crazy little bit of snow and ice!




(Photography By Arlene Marie) hunterdon county photographer Morris county photographer NJ Photographer NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography warren county photographer Tue, 05 May 2020 15:50:45 GMT
The Adventures of the Guiles Kids ~ Week 4 ~ #StayatHome  

Week 4 of Staying at Home


ONE whole month of Quarantining, staying at home, trying to do our part

in flattening the curve and praying that things get better sooner rather than later.

The week before Easter is usually a bit hectic with school finishing before Spring Break

and getting ready to color eggs with family and have our Easter celebrations.

Well it was much less busy this year and we certainly missed our families so, so much!
It was nice to hang out and take the day slow but it didn't really feel like Easter.

It felt like a nice Sunday in April but somehow for me at least, like every other holiday in our family involves just that family...loudness, kids screaming and laughing, burning the crescent rolls because we are too busy talking.

We were able to do a little zoom meeting with some friends and some family over the week and that was 

definitely a nice distraction from what has become our new normal.

I am so very thankful for this time spent with my little family

but I sure do miss my sisters and brothers (in laws included), 

my nieces and nephews, my mom and dad in law, all of our friends and my father.

(And it goes without saying, Target, lol) 

I definitely will not take those get togethers for granted because now 

I know what its like when you want to see everyone and you can't...

Ready for a nice big get together when this is all over and all is clear!!

Any way here was our fun from Week #4 :)






​​​​​​​Mystery Science Live with Doug 

​​​​​​​Morning snuggles and a movie with Drake

Taught Wyatt how to address an envelope..big things happening over here lol

Sharing pets with the 4th Grade class, Peaches was very good for her Zoom debut

Drake contemplating life in his favorite spot....


​​​​​​​Making an unused Gingerbread house Aunt Gigi gave them, they ate it all...

​​​​​​​This guy was sooo excited to get a letter from hi awesome teacher 

​​​​​​​Easter egg coloring time 

​​​​​​​We found a recipe for Disneys Jack Jack Num Num cookies, they were just that delicious!

Our crystals grew!

The kiddos got an awesome surprise from our neighbor, they got to decorate their own

​​​​​​​delicious cupcakes from Mackeys!!


Im not gonna lie I decorated and ate one too and it was amazing!


Till next time 



(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography nj photographer photographer on quarantine photography by arlene marie Mon, 20 Apr 2020 21:57:35 GMT
The Adventures of the Guiles Kids ~ Week 3 ~ #StayAtHome Week 3 has come and gone...

we are still here plugging along and the kids are faring pretty well.

I mean they miss their friends and really miss school,

mom as a teacher is not that great I guess lol.

I  often hear that is not the way my teacher taught us,

she would never make us do it that way...blah blah blah


Their teachers are great so I get it, but listen up kiddos, 

you are stuck with us mamas stepping in and helping out 

so get used to it, lol!

The kids have loved being able to use zoom to talk with family and friends, Kenzie can still take ballet and they get to see their class which is pretty awesome!
If this 
happened when I was a kid, it would have been way less interesting, thats for sure!!


I hope you are all holding up well and trucking along like we are.

Stay healthy and safe and enjoy a peek into our 

Week 3 on quarantine :)


Starting the week with a soccer facebook live from England

A little PE with Joe on You tube

We put them to work measuring the trampoline mat because

it has a tear and we have to order a new one (math lesson for the win)

One of their fave things to do is the art class they do most days with McHarper Manor

Tap class on a piece of wood Hunter cut for her :)

Drake still  not sure why everyone is always home has found his hideaway spot in Wyatts bed

Science experiment time~ Tornadoes in a jar

Hunter is putting a deck around the pool so of course we have to put some handprints in the footings

Drake bring out his new 50 ft leash


​​​​​​​Wyatt made his super cool Ninja robot with a mustache out of cans and art supplies

​​​​​​​Going fishing :)

Still life drawings of bunny and my moms teapot 

Wyatt made a banana and deer skull drawing, lol

Seeing his class on zoom for the first time, he was soooo excited!!

Visting Papa from outside the door

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa from the road

Practice, practice, practice


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Children children and family photography family Newborn NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography Northern NJ Photographer Photographer photographer on quarantine Photography Photography by Arleen Marie photography summer 2020 Spring surviving corona virus quarantine Sat, 18 Apr 2020 02:40:30 GMT
The Adventures of The Guiles Kids ~ Week 2 ~ #StayAtHome  

Week 2 of our Corona Quarantine

Ok so we are all going into week 4 of staying put, but of course,

I am being in posting here.

 I am great at taking the photos its the blogging them where I lack, lol

Oh well at least I got them up and I may have week 3 up by the end of this week, fingers crossed :)


We have had both great days and not so good days but

 we keep plugging along.

I have found the key to our success has been 

to keep busy.

​​​​​​​Now don't get me wrong we have plenty of down time and 

plenty of Mom will be right back and I go hide in my room until I hear 

the fighting and bickering break out....sometimes I hide

longer and somethimes I break it up...its all 

about balance right?

Either way I do love having my babies home with me everyday.

​​​​​​​They miss their friends a lot and to be honest 

I REALLY miss my friends too..







​​​​​​​The kids were super excited to get a package in the mail from Aunt Peg and Todd

It completely made their day!


Kenzie had her first go at Online dance classes 

It was pretty great to see her do her thing and grab some photos, we normally do not get to watch so I had to sneak a few peeks 

​​​​​​​There have been plenty of game nights here and Taco Takeover is one of our faves!

​​​​​​​Oh you know just doing some work while on a overboard...our new normal 

Poor Drake cannot figure out why these kids are home all day, everyday...he spends a lot of time staring out the window

Some fun shaving cream art with Mcharper Manor

Putting this guy to work cleaning off Dads tools, he needs to earn his keep ;) 


This boy loves when he gets to chat with his friends, its fun to listen to them and also breaks my heart that

​​​​​​​they cannot see each other face to face3...agian so thankful for our current technology!

Full on Ninja Warrior mode


More Zoom Dance classes...contemporary  


​​​​​​​Getting all their work done, in every room of the house lol

​​​​​​​This adorable but very fresh dog decided to give me heart failure as he took off in the woods behind our house 

and chose not to come back..he was a mess when we finally got him, thankful that he at least listened when a stranger called him over.

Apparently its a fun game fro him to run as soon as we get close..... 

They got to complete some Kiwi crates they had been working on, these are such fun kits, my kids LOVE them!

Friday was a beautiful day to get outdoors, so after Drake was cleaned up we got to hang outside and chill... 

This pup was so cozy he didn't mind wearing the mouse ears while the kids

watched some virtual Disney rides

We also tried out Princess Tianas recipe for Beignets and they turned out pretty fantastic  

This kid sure does a lot of flying through the living room...I already told him about a million times

that he is not allowed to break anything because there is no way we are going to the ER.


Thanks so much for following our adventures of social distancing and for continuing to support my photography business!
Make sure to follow me on facebook and histogram, I am currently running a photo a day challenge and all that participate will be entered to win a free summer mini session with me!!!



(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Children Corona quarantined us NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography on photographer Photography quarantine" Mon, 06 Apr 2020 20:32:12 GMT
The Adventures of the Guiles Kids ~ Week One ~ #StayAtHome Hey guys, I hope you are all hanging in there!

For many of us we are well on our way into week #2 of our venture into temporary homeschooling.

I decided last week to document our time at home for a number of reasons.... First, I love taking photos, we are home and I have the time to take those everyday shots,  the photographer in my is crying inside because I can't do what I love

and this right here is history, what is happening right now will be talked about in schools to our childrens children.


Why not give my kids something that captures this time in their lives.

They are 9 and 7 and when they are in High school or College

I am sure that they will have forgotten much of what happened. 

I am truly interested to see what they recall from this time, what they remember and how it affected them.

In the meantime, I can soothe my creative soul by putting my photography skills back to work and

take some lifestyle/ documentary photos of my own family

( although Im sure there will be very few of my husband because he has an aversion to being in photos, lol)


Thank you so much  for following along and thanks for always supporting my small business, this mama truly appreciates it!

When all this is over and I can get back to work, be sure to look out for some specials!!


So here we go....

Week one 

The Adventures of The Guiles Kids




Working hard and not wearing pajamas to start out the will notice that changed and she has pretty much been wearing pjs them since LOL

Well my dining room has never seen so much use....


Some down time ;)

The dog wondering where his quiet time is...and why are these kids still home? 

Self portrait drawings

Listening along as the author Dan Gutman of The Weird School Series reads from his book

(Side note :What an awesome thing he and so many others are doing to help these

kids have fun learning during this unprecedented time in our lives )

Putting this girl to work ;)

I feel ya buddy,  I feel ya

The kids decided on making Magic Ooze for our experiment and lets just say the amount of food coloring was excessive and they both needed showers to scrub the green off LOL 


Drake still can't figure out what is happening...

Learning how to draw Grumpy Toad from the author of Pete The Cat



We discovered McHarper Manor during this week as well and it has been awesome! I you haven't found them yet, its a must, they are a small studio in Ohio that started doing Facebook Lives for their local customers and well it blew up!! She offers wonderful art lessons for kids everyday at 1pm. She just committed to doing a 4th week as well (in week 2 now). What a wonderful thing they are doing for our kids! Mine look forward to "Art Class" everyday :) 

Sloth Painting

Kenzie is learning about Tornadoes so we found a simple experiment for them to try 

Chalk Pastel Galaxies with McHarper Manor 

Oh you know just dirt biking down the street in pajamas and rain boots 

Wyatt was doing a Mystery Science lesson on Frogs and their sounds so Kenz joined and

GASP  they worked together to figure out the different noises without fighting....

its the little things 

More fun with McHarper Manor 

I also started following Raddish Kids, she did a Facebook live on Friday afternoon and made donut holes, the kids LOVED following along and of course eating them !

They spent a ton of time outside whenever possible, they even came up with their own Ninja Warrior course, it was really fun to see them working together and cheering each other on. My kids are 2 years apart so much of the time is spent bickering with each other, lol 

Nothing but AIR

These shots are by far some of my fave from the past week and the kids loved them because it looks like they are flying lol 

Even Peaches got some fresh air this past weekend!

(also this is evidence that my husband does like her too, that would be his handing petting her, lol) 

Of course they got bored and asked for a treasure Hunt (thank for goodness for pinterest!) 


Week One is done and we survived! I have to say I have been looking for the bright spots during this extremely scary time in our world. I have found so many of them...just being together, not rushing from one activity to the next, playing games together and watching the kids learn, and sitting down to dinner together are just a few.

I am constantly praying for all those who are essential ( my husband included) that have to be out there right now in this world doing their job. I pray for all the healthcare workers everyday that they will be safe from this virus and have access to the protective equipment that they need.

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Thanks so much for following along on our journey through this quarantine.  

(Photography By Arlene Marie) A day in the life A photographers time at home during quarantine hunterdon county photographer NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography Northern NJ Photographer Photographer Photography by arlene marie Photography during quarantine Waren county photography Thu, 26 Mar 2020 15:29:39 GMT
2019~A Year in Review ~  


Happy New year to all my wonderful clients, all those who support me

 in my business, and those who are just in my life!!


2019 came with many ups but quite a few downs as well!

I started out the year on crutches due to a 

side effect from medicine I was on for Lupus.

Unfortunately, the 2 months of crutches didn't do the job and I had to take a break from

my business in June to have knee surgery.

I was totally bummed and so nervous that it could put a big

damper on my business.

There are soooo many photographers out there and so many wonderful

options, so taking so much time off was nervewracking .

However, I was so unbelievably thankful and humbled that you all stuck

around and continue to book your sessions with me.

I love being able to freeze these amazing

moments in time for you all, I am definitely blessed to be doing what I love.

This past Fall has been one of my busiest seasons yet and coming off surgery

and readjusting to my new knee, it was amazing to come back with a bang!

Thank you all so much for following me as I pursue my passion, for

sharing your photos, for recommending me to your friends and for choosing me!!!

I hope to see many of you if not all of you this coming year!
 Here is to a fabulous 2020!!!





(Photography By Arlene Marie) Children local photographer Newborn Newborn Photography NJ NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography Northern NJ Photographer Photographer Wed, 08 Jan 2020 18:18:57 GMT
Year in Review 2018~ NJ Photographer:Maternity, Newborn, Children &Family  



It was a year that started off amazing for my business, so many newborn sessions right off the bat, which made me fuel my love for those sessions even more!

I met so many awesome new clients last year and was able to see so many of my amazing  repeat clients who continue to choose me to take their photos. I had some top notch family sessions, super fun cake smashes and sweet maternity sessions.

I photographed a few really fun weddings, I limit the ones I take but truly love being able to capture such an important

day for a couple in love <3

I went into my busy season full force with Fall family sessions, followed right behind with the busy Christmas season.

However, late November met with a slowdown due to an injury and forced me to take a few steps back in December and January. I am slowly getting back into the game though and cannot wait for all the new sessions lined up already this year!

I  have some fun new mini sessions in the work for Spring and Summer, so make sure to stay tuned!!

Lastly,  I would like to thank all of you for supporting me and my little business, those who have been with me since day 1 and those who have joined along the way.  

I am blessed beyond measure to be doing a job that I truly love.

It has been the best rollercoaster ride and I am so thankful that I have

such wonderful clients to share this journey with!!

Enjoy a little glimpse into some of the incredible sessions I had the privilege of photographing last year!

Happy 2019 to all of you.

XO, Arlene


(Photography By Arlene Marie) newborn photographer NJ children and family photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ photographer Mon, 07 Jan 2019 16:31:15 GMT
Courtney & Scott's Wedding ~ Normandy Farms, Bluebell Pa. {NJ/Pa Wedding Photography} I was beyond excited to photograph Courtney and Scotts wedding on Cinco de Mayo!

It was a simply gorgeous day and a serious amount of laughs were shared!

What a fun day with some pretty awesome people!

Thank you so much letting us capture this time for you!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) nj nj wedding photography photographer wedding wedding photography Tue, 12 Jun 2018 02:12:07 GMT
Kristen and Chris' Wedding~Winery at Bull Run, Va {NJ Wedding Photographer} Last month I had the honor to document this amazing wedding! 

I don't often travel this far for a wedding but I am so beyond glad I did.

The location, The Winery at Bull Run 

was absolutely gorgeous and it fit so perfectly with Kristen and Chris' style and

their travel themed reception.

Here are just a few of my favorites from their day ....



I'll never let you down. No matter what you do. If you just walk with me. And let me walk with you.


(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Wedding NJ Wedding Photographer Fri, 30 Jun 2017 18:20:48 GMT
Charlottes 1st Birthday Pizza Smash! {NJ Child & Family Photographer, Oxford, NJ}  

This had to have been one of the most FUN sessions to date! 

Anyone that knows Miss Charlotte knows just how much she LOVES to eat.

She is the tiniest little peanut but has the biggest personality and the best love of all things food.

Her Mama had the best idea for her Birthday session (yes we did the traditional birthday photos and cake smash but we wanted s

something different for this little monkey)!

What an incredibly fun way to spend an afternoon, watching 

a one year old smash a pizza (she actually devoured it)!

So for my first blog post of 2017 I give you Charlotte Mary and her

 Ninja Turtle Pizza Session!



Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions

Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions Charlottes Pizza Smash1st Birthday themed sessions

I just can't take the cuteness!! Now that is how you eat a pizza!!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Children First birthday sessions NJ Family photography NJ children and family photography Northern NJ Photographer Pizza TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles photographer smash" Tue, 18 Apr 2017 17:27:12 GMT
Year in Review {2016} NJ Newborn, Child and Family Photographer  

Just like that 2016 has come and gone! 

I cannot thank all of my awesome clients and all those who have supported my little business and helped it to grow. 

I cannot do this without you all and to say I feel honored that you choose me is an understatement.


Thank you all from the very bottom of my heart!

Here is a look back at 2016 and I cannot wait to see what 2017 will bring!!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) 1st birthday sessions NJ NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography family photography newborn photographer newborn photos photography by arlene marie photography" wedding Tue, 03 Jan 2017 00:17:11 GMT
Miss K (Newborns} NJ Newborn and Family Photographer, Riverdale, NJ  

Little Miss K was all smiles for her newborn session last summer! 

I cannot believe I just set up her 1st Birthday session.

Getting to see these little ones grow over their first year is

such a fun part of my job, I love to see what little personalities emerge

from those sweet sleepy babies. I cannot wait to do a side by side of her newborn and 1st Bithday shots!!

See you soon Miss K!!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Baby first year sessions Grow NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Newborn Watch baby photographer sessions Tue, 19 Jul 2016 13:06:49 GMT
The R Family {Mommy & Me}, NJ Family and Child Photographer, Roxbury, NJ  

I love going back to update my blog, because I find all these

fun sessions that I get to revisit!

These cuties just got to play and read books with their 

mama, what a better way to spend an afternoon in Spring :)

​Now they have added a mother sweet little girl to the mix, stay tuned

for her newborn session on the blog, hopefully sooner rather than later ;)

(Ill try to have it up before another year passes !)


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Children NJ NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography NJ children photography photographer Fri, 17 Jun 2016 00:19:08 GMT
The "F" Family {1st Birthday} NJ Family Photographer, Kittatinny St Park, Andover, NJ Last summer I had the pleasure of meeting this super sweet family!

We got some awesome images of Mr A for his 1st Birthday as well as some 

of my favorite family photos ever!!

As I play the ultimate catch up on my blogging, enjoy this gorgeous session.

Bonus I get to see these guys soon for another session :)


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Family NJ NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Photographer family photographer Thu, 16 Jun 2016 23:59:33 GMT
The Brown Family {Maternity} -NJ Family Photographer, Andover NJ  

I am bringing you back to last Fall(one of my fave times of year, just look at those colors!!)

These two were patiently waiting the baby boy on the way ( you may remember the reveal they did to their girls with the Thing 1, Thing2 and Thing 3 shirts(way cute!).


It was the perfect afternoon for this session and we got fabulous shots of this beautiful Mama (and dad too)!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Family photography NJ Maternity Photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography maternity sessions in NJ photographer Wed, 08 Jun 2016 12:39:11 GMT
Baby "S" {Newborn} NJ Newborn and Family Photographer, Liberty, NJ This little cutie pie is coming up on his 1 year birthday in a few months and 

​I am getting around to blogging his newborn session! Better late than never right?!?!

Thanks goodness for social media so I can keep up with my client sneak peeks :)

This little guy was amazing for his session and his big brother was such a gentleman

and so very helpful.

I love looking back at older sessions and reliving them, makes my heart melt that 

so many of you let me into your homes to capture these precious moments in 

time for you.



(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Newborn photography Photography by Arlene Marie Tue, 05 Apr 2016 01:23:36 GMT
Miss N {Newborns}, NJ Newborn and Family Photography, Hackettstown, NJ  

Little Miss N was the perfect little lady at her session back in the summer, 

she slept peacefully nearly the whole time!

I can't believe all this time has passed and I haven't shared these adorable photos here yet!!



(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Newborn Newborns Northern nj Newborn photographer hackettstown nj photographer photography Mon, 15 Feb 2016 15:32:43 GMT
The Brown Family {Pregnancy Reveal} NJ Family photographer, Andover NJ  

Over the summer I had the pleasure of being there 

while Kelly and Baron told the girls

they were expecting a new baby!!

OMG it was the best to see how happy they were.

​I love fun family sessions and then to top it off with an even funner surprise, 

well it was perfect!

Since this, I have photographed their Maternity session as well as 

the newest member to the family, a precious

baby boy!!
SO as I play catch up on my blog, and slowly make it to that adorable little guys newborn session

take a look at his super cool family!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Andover NJ Photographer NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Photographer pregnancy reveal session Sun, 14 Feb 2016 02:56:46 GMT
The "R" Family {Pregnancy Reveal}. NJ Newborn, Maternity, Family Photography-Wyane NJ So as I slowly play catch up on this neglected blog of mine, I had to start with this session!!

Back in the summer I had the best time photographing this ridiculously fun and messy paint session.

This family is announcing baby #4 in the most fun way! 

Cant wait to meet the newest addition to this family!!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Family Sessions NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Paint session Photographer baby sessions pregnancy reveal Sat, 30 Jan 2016 14:16:57 GMT
Year in Review {2015} NJ Newborn, Child and Family Photographer Well as this year closes and 2016 begins, I look back with such mixed emotions at the past 12 months.

​There have been some amazing things that have happened and my business continues to grow with the support of my amazing clients, friends and family.

Without all of you encouraging me and continuing to choose me to  chronicle the milestones

in your family's lives, my business would simply not flourish the way that it has.

I am extremely grateful from the bottom of my heart for your support!

This past year brought so many firsts for our family, Wyatt started preschool, Makenzie started kindergarten and 

we bought a new home( which took 8 months to close on, that was some journey)!

We took the kids to the Natural Museum of History for the first time and they rode the subway which they were

so excited about and we took a super fun trip to Virginia Beach!

​With all greatness comes moments of sadness though and this past July I lost my mom, she was the most amazing lady who overcame so many obstacles over the past 10 years since her first stroke, to stay in our lives.

I will forever be grateful that when we moved back from Ma., 3 and a half year ago, 

that we lived with my parents. 

At the time I thought moving back in with your parents until you found a new home

was a setback but I have discovered that everything truly does happen for a reason.

My kids got to grow such a special bond with both their nana and papa, that I hope 

will stay in their hearts forever.​

For me, I was able to spend a million moments with my mom that I would have never had, if 

we were not living there.

Although they drove me absolutely insane at times, I am forever blessed because of 

those moments that I had with my mom.

So I leave you with this...treasure each day with the ones you love, do not take them or life in general for granted.

For one day you will look back and wonder where all the time went

and I hope when you do you are met with happy memories .

Hug a little longer, call your family, eat that extra cookie, do something every day that makes you happy, 

​and live life to the fullest :)


Thank you all for reading my words, I don't write often in my blog but It means a lot that you take the time to check  it out!

Here are some images from most of my 2015 sessions(my website cut me off from adding more photos, lol)


Here is to a fabulous 2016!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) 1st Birthday photo session Babies Cake smash session Children Family NJ NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Northern NJ Photographer Photographer children and family photography family photographer Fri, 01 Jan 2016 21:05:38 GMT
Lucas turns ONE! {First Birthday/Cake smash} NJ Child & Family Photographer, Wharton, NJ ​Prepare your self for all the cuteness that is about to come your way!

I photographed this little man when he was just 1 day old in the hospital, followed up with him 2 weeks later in his home with his family and now he is ONE!

What?!?! How is that possible??

I LOVE following along as my itty bitty clients grow up and I am so thankful

that I have so many families that keep coming back to me year after year, milestone after milestone.

I am blessed and am thankful for this wonderful job I have 

and all the amazing families I meet along the way just like this pretty awesome family!

Thanks for a super fun session!!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Tue, 13 Oct 2015 16:58:20 GMT
Miss G turns 5!!! {Child and Family sessions} NJ Family Photographer, Andover NJ  

​Miss G is always a pleasure to photograph, I

am so very glad to have this wonderful girl and her parents as clients. 

The sessions are always filled with laughs and fun, not 

to mention her Mamas creativity!

Her Birthday session was nothing short

of fabulous just like "G" is!!

I hope 5 is an amazing year for you!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Family NJ Child photographer NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Northern NJ Family photographer Tue, 29 Sep 2015 20:19:34 GMT
Mr L {Newborns} NJ Newborn Photographer, Blairstown NJ This insanely adorable little man, was perfect at his newborn session.

He just slept anywhere we put him and was super content!

My dream come true for these little itty bittys at

their 1st photo sessions!

Thanks for being so awesome little guy :)


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies Blairstown NJ Photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Newborn photographer photography sessions" Sun, 27 Sep 2015 23:01:18 GMT
The H Family {Cherry Blossoms} NJFamily Photographer, Dover, NJ For a short time in the Spring, this is my favorite place to be! 

The cherry blossoms her are to die for and are the 

most incredible backdrop ever! 

I plan on doing many more sessions here next year, maybe even mini sessions!!

​Its just gorgeous!

​This Family wanted this destination and were so patent waiting for the perfect time for them to 

be in bloom and I'd have to say I think they would say it was worth it!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Cherry Blossom photo session Dover NJ Child Photographer Family photography in NJ NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Mon, 31 Aug 2015 12:42:44 GMT
The "K" Family {1st Birthday and family session} NJ Child & Family Photographer, Andover, NJ  

Miss Maggie turned one and it was time for some photos!

We actually had to take 2 on this session since torrential downpours came within 10 minutes of starting!

Love all of her little faces and dancing, not to mention 

her super cute and adorable big brothers!



(Photography By Arlene Marie) 1st Birthday photo session Andover NJ Photographer Kittatiny State Park Photography NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Spring photos Wed, 26 Aug 2015 20:51:23 GMT
Mr N and his Mama {Mommy and Me} NJChild and Family Photographer, Roxbury NJ  

These two are seriously the cutest duo ever, 

it is clear that this little guy loves his Mama and 

she is crazy about him. 

I had a blast taking their photos and look 

forward to many more sessions with these two.

Mr N is like a little model, he has his poses down pat and is 

just a natural and more than that the sweetest little guy around!!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Mommy and me sessions NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography Northern NJ Photography children and family photography Tue, 18 Aug 2015 14:13:27 GMT
The V boys {Spring session} NJ Child and Family photographer, Hopatcong State Park, NJ  

These cuties kept me busy and were absolutely adorable in 

their Spring outfits!

I am so honored that their parents take the trip up to see me

for their sessions and I cannot wait until their next one 

which will be at a fabulous location!!

I love when I get to see there cute faces!!

Enjoy !!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Mon, 17 Aug 2015 03:03:28 GMT
Miss "G" {April Showers-Spring session} NJ Child and Family Photographer, Stanhope NJ I have been taking this adorable girls photos for quite some time

and every session is better than the one before.

Miss G one a free mini session from the Christmas card contest and of course she rocked it!

It was a super bright, sunshiny day and her Mommy's super cute

idea of April Showers was perfection!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Sat, 15 Aug 2015 20:15:00 GMT
Emmet turns ONE {1st Birthday and Cake Smash session} NJ Child Photographer-Hopatcong NJ As I play catch up with my blogs, I came across this handsome guy!

I just love him and  his family so much!

There are no words to describe how much his Mama means to me and 

has been there for me through the good times and the truly heartwrenching ones.

There are not many people you can say you have been friends with for 30 years, but Kara is 

my oldest, dearest friend with whom I have the best memories with!

SO here you go friend a few from Emmets first birthday session (minus the part where he tried to eat dirt).

He truly LOVED his cake and he made me laugh so hard!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Sat, 15 Aug 2015 17:08:16 GMT
Miss L's First Birthday {Cake smash session} NJ Child Photographer, Washington, NJ  

​I first took Miss L's photos when she was just a few weeks old and 

wow how fast her 1st Birthday came around!!
I absolutely adore taking photos of her and her big sister.

They are the sweetest girls and always have me laughing

during their session!
Take a look at how much L loved her cake and how beautiful 

A was all decked out in her dance leotard.

Such a fun session and I look forward to many more with

these adorable girls....

Miss L at her newborn session... what a difference a year makes!!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) 1st Birthday photo session Cake smash session NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Washington Nj Family and Child photography Thu, 02 Jul 2015 19:25:53 GMT
Miss G and her Mama {Mommy & Me session} NJ Family photographer, Roxbury NJ  

These tow are seriously the cutest! I LOVE taking their photos, the love

they have for each other shines through each image.

Mommy & Me's are one of my favorite sessions,

it is so special to capture these moments with your little ones! 

Such a fun time with you ladies!


Her Smile makes me smile. Her laugh is infectious. Her heart is pure and true.

Above all I love that she is my daughter...~anonymous

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Mommy and Me Photo sessions NJ Family photography NJ Photographer NJ child Photography Northern NJ Child and family Photography and children family photography Thu, 25 Jun 2015 02:50:44 GMT
The "M" Girls {Spring & Baby G is 5 months old} NJ Child and Family Photography, Oakridge, NJ  

Oh these girls, their smiles, personalities and abundant

cuteness are overwhelming.

Every session is just as good if not better than the one before!

I LOVE taking these cuties photos, all 3 of them!

These were from a few months back when Miss G had turned 5 months old!

​How sweet is she?!?!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Family session NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Oakridge, NJ Child Photographer Spring photo session Mon, 08 Jun 2015 19:30:15 GMT
Miss "A" and her Big Brother {Newborns}, NJ Newborn and Children Photographer, Wantage, NJ Oh Miss "A" it was so fun to photograph you and your adorable big brother!

I just love being able to watch a family grow and to see Mr A be a big brother to this little cutie was just the best. 

He just loves her to pieces and its so very sweet!

​Welcome to the world pretty girl, I cannot wait till our next session to 

see how much you have grown...

"Sometimes being a big brother is even better than being a superhero"~Marc Brown

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Babies, Family, Children, Photographer NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Tue, 02 Jun 2015 17:07:34 GMT
Miss C {Newborns} NJ Newborn & Family Photography, Sparta NJ Starting the New Year off with this adorable princess was just perfect!

My first Newborn of 2015 and she rocked her session and the super awesome outfits I brought along.

I mean seriously does it get any cuter than these lace leggings on teeny baby girl?!?!

Her 2 big sisters were equally cute and super fun!

I had a fabulous time capturing these precious moments for this family and cannot

wait to see how much Miss C and her sisters have grown at there next session!

Thanks for a wonderful morning!



(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography Nj children and family photography Northern NJ Newborn Photographer Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:46:27 GMT
Miss H {Newborns} NJ Newborn and Family Photographer ~ Kinnelon, NJ Back in December I got to meet the newest member of the "B" Family!

What a beautiful and  incredibly lucky little girl Miss H is! 

She has 3 extremely handsome, and loving big brothers to protect her forever :)

When I did Maternity photos for this family, I knew then just how 

much this little girl would be loved.

Welcome to the world little miss!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Kinnelon Nj Newborn Photography NJ NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography Newborn Norther Northern NJ Family Photography Photography" and children family photography Sat, 11 Apr 2015 01:33:56 GMT
Miss L turns One {1st Birthday Cake Smash} NJ Child Photographer, Pompton Plains, NJ  

This little Princess had her First Birthday not long ago and celebrated with a Cake Smash Session.

Miss L was not a huge fan of her Cake but her big brother and sister sure were!

Always a fun time with this family !!

Happy 1st Birthday Miss L!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Tue, 07 Apr 2015 16:36:10 GMT
Mr C and his Mommy {Mommy and Me Session} NJ Child and Family Photography~Blairstown NJ  

This session has my heart...

The love these two share is beautiful. 

The love a Momma has for her child is immeasurable and their love

shines in these images.

I want a session like this with my kids, just me and them, so when they grow up, 

they will forever not only know but see in my eyes the way that I loved them.

(Que the tears...)

I feel like the days pass so quickly when I look back, but while they are happening, I tend to rush through.

I do not want to miss one second of my babies as they grow and I am sure many of you do not either.

​At times throughout the day I want to pull my hair out

but when I put them to bed and see their sweet sleeping faces

I am reminded that they are just kids, babies, my babies.


So what I am trying to say here

(I am not as creative with words as I am with my photography, lol)

is this,

look for the positive in every day,  hug your babies

and be present in their lives because

one day we will all look back and they will be grown. 


Well that is not where I started with this blog post but I am glad it went there :)

​With that said, here are some adorable images of this sweet little boy and his equally sweet Mommy.

​Enjoy and thank you for a wonderful session on this chilly day back in January... will be his first kiss, his first love, his first friend,

You are his Momma and He is your whole world.

He is your little boy...<3 

~author unknown

(Photography By Arlene Marie) Blairstown NJ Child Photographer Family session Mommy & Me photo session NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Thu, 02 Apr 2015 13:11:08 GMT
Griff & Morgan {Engagements} NJ Engagement & Wedding Photographer, Waterloo Village, Byram, NJ It was a gorgeous January day for an engagement session

with this fabulous couple.

The light, the weather, the happy couple and the love, all perfect!!

Happy Engagement Griff & Morgan!


(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Engagement and Wedding Photography Northern NJ Couples, Engagement and Wedding Photography Wed, 01 Apr 2015 11:34:47 GMT
Miss E {Newborns} NJ Newborn and Family Photographer ~ Wayne, NJ  

As I play catch up on my blog posts, I had to share this adorable little girls session, 

​which happened to be right before Christmas.

She is surrounded by so much love and a big sister and brother as well.

Miss E was just the sweetest little girl and she coasted through

her session like nothing.

Her session produced some of my favorite newborn images :) 

Thanks Baby E for being a perfect princess...

(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Family photography NJ Newborn Photography NJ children and family photography Wayne NJ Newborn Photography children and family photography Tue, 31 Mar 2015 16:45:43 GMT
Lisa & Ryan's Wedding {NJ Wedding Photographer} Rock Island Lake Club, Sparta, NJ I met Ryan and Lisa while photographing her brothers wedding in August, so I was more than excited when they asked me to do theirs.

They were married on Valentines Day, while the snow streamed down but it did not stop all their friends and families from making it there to celebrate with them. 

Ryan and Lisa are simply perfect for each other and I can say that without even knowing them for long or even very well.  You can see it when they look at each other, it just seems they complete one another and it is truly wonderful to see.

I had such a great time capturing this day for them and am so happy to give them  these images to treasure for a lifetime.

I wish a wonderful, happy fun life together!

Enjoy your previews :)


(Photography By Arlene Marie) Club Island Lake NJ Wedding Photography Northern NJ Wedding Photographer Rock Sparta NJ Weddings Wedding" Mon, 16 Mar 2015 02:44:43 GMT
The "S" Family {NJ Family Photography} ~ Duke Farms, Hillsborough, NJ Last October, I spent the most beautiful Fall day

with this wonderful Family!

They took me to one of their favorite places and it was absolutely breathtaking.

A photographers dream and it was at the most perfect time of the year!

The colors were amazing and I am so glad I was able to capture this day for them.

Enjoy a little glimpse into last Fall and the gorgeous Duke Farms :)

Thanks for a fun day!

(Photography By Arlene Marie) NJ Child Photography NJ Family photography Norther NJ Family Photography children and family photography Fri, 13 Mar 2015 01:34:11 GMT
Baby G {Newborns} NJ Newborn Photographer, Oak Ridge, NJ Little Miss G was just so precious and such a good little princess during her newborn session a few months back.

I cannot wait to take her next round of photos in April! 

These little ones change so quickly,  which is why I love capturing those tiny little features

in those first couple of weeks.

I think her big sisters gave her some tips, since they are pros now.

Enjoy Baby G's sessions!