The Adventures of The Guiles Kids ~ Week 6 ~ #StayAtHome

May 06, 2020  •  Leave a Comment



Week 6

 We started our week with virtual field trips

and donut making

( they did not turn out great so we will have to try again, lol)

Try, try, try again...and that means 

I get to eat more donuts ;)

The weeks are both dragging on and flying by...

Its hard to believe that all this time has passed since

 the kids have been in School,  March seems like so long ago...

that we haven't spent actual time with our family and friends... 

seems like its been an eternity...but here we are day by day plugging along.

Laughing and having meltdowns...because while we are having fun one moment, another one hits thats hard and not knowing whats next is rough and scary....

Explaining to your kids that you don't have the answers they want or need to hear..

just hugging them and telling them its ok because we are safe and healthy and together

but knowing they just want their normal life back...

​​​​​​​This too shall pass...its what I tell myself when things get rough...

I long for the day when we can look back at this

time and remember all the happy moments of being home together.

I am so ready to get back to even a little bit of our old normal...especially seeing family and friends.

SO far now we will continue to to count on those happy moments, the laughs and the snuggles 

Till next time 







The kids went Turkey hunting with Daddy and had to get camp painted up! They got up at 430 am!!!!


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