Well as this year closes and 2016 begins, I look back with such mixed emotions at the past 12 months.
There have been some amazing things that have happened and my business continues to grow with the support of my amazing clients, friends and family.
Without all of you encouraging me and continuing to choose me to chronicle the milestones
in your family's lives, my business would simply not flourish the way that it has.
I am extremely grateful from the bottom of my heart for your support!
This past year brought so many firsts for our family, Wyatt started preschool, Makenzie started kindergarten and
we bought a new home( which took 8 months to close on, that was some journey)!
We took the kids to the Natural Museum of History for the first time and they rode the subway which they were
so excited about and we took a super fun trip to Virginia Beach!
With all greatness comes moments of sadness though and this past July I lost my mom, she was the most amazing lady who overcame so many obstacles over the past 10 years since her first stroke, to stay in our lives.
I will forever be grateful that when we moved back from Ma., 3 and a half year ago,
that we lived with my parents.
At the time I thought moving back in with your parents until you found a new home
was a setback but I have discovered that everything truly does happen for a reason.
My kids got to grow such a special bond with both their nana and papa, that I hope
will stay in their hearts forever.
For me, I was able to spend a million moments with my mom that I would have never had, if
we were not living there.
Although they drove me absolutely insane at times, I am forever blessed because of
those moments that I had with my mom.
So I leave you with this...treasure each day with the ones you love, do not take them or life in general for granted.
For one day you will look back and wonder where all the time went
and I hope when you do you are met with happy memories .
Hug a little longer, call your family, eat that extra cookie, do something every day that makes you happy,
and live life to the fullest :)
Thank you all for reading my words, I don't write often in my blog but It means a lot that you take the time to check it out!
Here are some images from most of my 2015 sessions(my website cut me off from adding more photos, lol)
Here is to a fabulous 2016!